Access the Holy Spirit to Live a Life of Peace

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! My husband and I journeyed up to Tennessee for a wonderful Sunday Service with family. It was so beautiful to see how many people were there. But, it also made me sad that there are not always that many people there. It bothers me that people “find” time for God on Easter Sunday but not any other Sunday, then question why they lack peace.
As I’ve said before, you don’t have to go to church to have the Holy Spirit and Jesus in your life. But, you need fellowship and community. As well as, somewhere to hear the word and that relationship with Jesus. It was a beautiful sight to behold to see everyone come together and worship. You could feel the spirit moving, but you could see the lack of true serenity amongst the crowd.
To blog…or not to blog
I’ve struggled this week with not only finding the time to write but getting in the right headspace to write. Sometimes I feel as if it’s harder to be a Christian blogger than to work with some other niches. For me, it has to be something God is putting on my heart or taking me through.
Being new to blogging there are all kinds of articles that tell you what you should write about and what you shouldn’t write about. Some that tell you to write about yourself, others not too much. I may not rank as high on Google for not following the traditional steps as others. I hope by staying true to God and myself by staying genuine that I will be able to help others more than following the way the world tells me to do things.
Living a Life of Peace
I have been in a season of trials lately. Through these trials, it’s hard to stay hopeful and faithful. There are those days where you feel so discouraged and don’t want to keep fighting. Those days when you struggle to find and keep your peace. It’s funny, there are times when God wants you to listen and He will keep putting sermons and people in your path until you are forced to listen. God has continued to put the way to living a life of peace in my path this season.
God knows people cannot passionately help others without having firsthand knowledge and experience of the topic He wants you to speak on. As someone who struggles with anxiety and depression peace seems hard to come by at times. The constant worrying, racing thoughts, insomnia and so much more. You always hear about this peace that goes beyond understanding when you’re a Christian. I don’t know about you, but I was thinking, I want that!
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Peace Under Pressure
It wasn’t until recently, however, that I realized I had the wrong idea of peace. My idea of peace was for all these problems and worries to go away or going to the beach. One of the amazing teachings God put in my path while trying to show me the way was Pastor Mike Todd who talks about this same thing, Peace under Pressure. Something that rings so true is when he says God promises peace, not the absence of pressure.
“God promises peace, not the absence of pressure.”
The bible discusses how there will always be trials and suffering while we are on this Earth. Unfortunately, that is just the way it is until we go to our Heavenly home. But, that doesn’t mean we have to suffer! We have something others don’t have, the Holy Spirit!
Access the Peace Within You
All you have to do is work to access the peace within you! When people discuss having a peace that surpasses understanding, it’s like the widow who just lost their soulmate but is still smiling and praising God. It’s like the mother of a child with cancer who is worshipping God through the storm. Are they suffering? Of course! But, they have access to the Holy Spirit which gives them access to true peace.
As long as you are chasing a temporary peace, you will never know true peace. No amount of alcohol, pills, food or vacations, can ever compare to the peace that Jesus offers. Pray and ask God to show you how to access the peace within you that He’s promised those who are faithful to Him! Many people are misled into thinking, if I just do this or do that then I will have that peace, but you don’t have to do anything. That peace is already there, you just need to access it!
Have Peace Knowing God Has Already Conquered All
I feel like every person is broken in their own way. God will use the trials you have been through for His glory. There will be things only you can help someone through because you’ve been there! You know how it is, we don’t want to listen to someone that we feel doesn’t understand what we are going through. Find a way to embrace your flaws and brokenness. Don’t let the enemy steal your peace by bringing up the things that make you feel broken. God has already conquered those!
Trust God to lead you in all that you do. No matter how small don’t do anything without praying about it first.
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.
Psalms 119:105
The book of John discusses that the Holy Spirit is a gift for us. The gift of peace of mind and heart. It clearly states this is a gift the world CANNOT give. Then, tells us not to be troubled or afraid. We have it right there staring us straight in the face. We cannot find peace in anything the world has to offer. Mike Todd calls the ‘world’s peace’ counterfeit peace. True peace is there to stay.
True peace doesn’t mean you will never have troubles. It means you will never have to face them alone. Accept the amazing gift Jesus has given us. He knew we would not be able to make it in this life without His help. I continue to work to access this peace myself. It is a process that doesn’t happen overnight, but it is attainable. I want to continue to share with you as I learn and grow, so you can grow and live a life of abundant joy and peace too!
If you enjoyed this, check out this post about Renewing Your Mind.
Follower by Faith
Hey, I'm Nicole, the Creator behind Follower by Faith! Just a hard-working, animal loving mom/wife who's been through many trials and wants to turn my mess into a message to bring glory to God through helping others. Welcome!