Identity: Finding Your Identity in Christ

Finding Your Identity
In a world where it sometimes feels like no one is Christlike comes a lot of feelings of rejection. Not getting the job we wanted, the person we desired a relationship with, or otherworldly things can make us feel rejected. Sometimes this causes us to look inward making it feel like there is something wrong with us. God doesn’t make mistakes and He didn’t make a mistake when He made you.
You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Whenever you feel worthless and rejected read what God says you are. As long as you try to find your worth in the world, it will always tell you that you are not enough. But, God says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. God says you are healed when you feel broken. He says you are strong when you feel weak. For every negative thought the enemy tries to tell you that you are, God assures you with the truth.
You are Whole
You are forgiven, whole, and His! Don’t believe the lies of the enemy. You would be surprised at who the enemy will use in your life to get you to believe His lies. Maybe your closest friends, your family member, or that mentor you look up to. This is why it’s so important to know who God says you are. You don’t have to search for your identity in the world if you know your identity in Christ.
Identity in Christ or the world?
When you surround yourself with people of the world don’t expect them to lift and encourage you. Because people of the world have found their identity in the world. They will seek peace and rest but will never find it until they learn their identity in Christ. The fact that God sent His only son to die a brutal, excruciating death on the cross so that you and I might have life speaks volumes to your worth.
Power, Love and Sound Mind
So when you feel worthless remember someone died for you. When you feel alone remember God says He is always with you. When you are haunted by your past remember God says you are forgiven. Feeling afraid? God says he hasn’t given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
A Void that Cannot be Filled
When you live your life outside of Christ you will always have a hole in your heart. There will always be a void that cannot be filled. No amount of drugs, money, or worldly love can ever fill that void. If you keep trying to fill your void with worldly things, you’ll likely kill yourself trying to do so. We are made to be one with Christ. So, as long as He’s missing you can never feel whole.
You have a purpose. God says you were created with a purpose. To have a life and live it abundantly. His word says there will be no condemnation for those belonging in Christ. It says He canceled the record of wrongs against us and took it away by nailing it on the cross.
You are Free Indeed
You may be carrying your past mistakes and your sins with you making you miserable. If so the enemy is still holding you in bondage. God has forgiven you as soon as you asked for forgiveness so you need to forgive yourself. Who Christ sets free is free indeed. You are free!
Let the Weights of Your Past Go
As long as the enemy can convince you that you aren’t free, he knows he will keep you from fulfilling your purpose and prevents you from helping others to break free. Stop believing the lies of the enemy. Get into the word and learn who God says you are. Believe the truth. Imagine who you could be if you would let the weights of your past go. All the people you could help that come from a background such as yours.
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
2 Corinthians 5:17
You are a New Creation
Once you repent and are forgiven you are a new creation within Christ. Study His word and learn who you truly are. If someone told you they could tell you who you are wouldn’t you want to know? There’s a whole book that details how loved, valuable and strong you are. God has set you free. Don’t keep living enslaved and in bondage.
True Peace
The world will always try to get you to believe you’ll find peace or a break in worldly things. You may get pleasure for a moment but will continue to live without true peace trying to appease your flesh. Surround yourself with people who have their identity founded in Christ. Spend time alone with God and delving into His word. I guarantee you will learn and find a lot out about yourself you never knew.
Whole. Complete. Unified
If you’ve been searching in the world trying to find yourself or a sign, here’s your sign. You are whole, complete, and unified with Christ. Never feel lonely because you are never alone. Forgive yourself as Christ has forgiven you. Love yourself as Christ loves you. Spread the truth and set others free. Find your identity in Christ by being born again.
Don’t Conform. Be Transformed
God has already equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your purpose. The road may be the long and the ridicule heavy, but the destination is more than worth it. The road to hell is broad but the path to everlasting life is narrow. Don’t try to conform with the world but be transformed by the word.
Jesus meets you where you are.
No matter the season.
No matter the storm you are facing.
No matter the addictions.
No matter how dirty you are.
No matter the places you have been.
No matter the terrible things you have done.
Jesus loves you and wants you to come home.
If you or a loved one would like prayer I would love to help pray for you by submitting a prayer request here.
Donations Much Appreciated:
Since we do not run ads, we rely solely on donations and small commissions from affiliate marketing with Christian companies. If you would like to support what we are doing here then please visit here or mail donations to:
Follower by Faith
P.O. BOX 112
All proceeds will go to maintaining and growing our outreach to reach as many lost souls as we can. As well as, assisting, giving, and volunteering within the community to help those less fortunate. All of this isn’t possible without you. I ask if God places it on your heart to give, to pray over it, and give with a joyful heart knowing it will be helping grow His kingdom. More than ever Christians need the support of fellow believers.
We often are more inclined to spend $5 on coffee that’s gone in moments than to help grow God’s ministries. Do your part by helping your community. If you are unable to assist financially many are always in need of volunteers. There are so many ways to give and I think you’ll be amazed at how fulfilled you will be. You are going to reach and help more sinners outside the church than you ever will inside the church. We are all called to witness and spread the gospel. Don’t grow complacent in your church pew. Get out there and save someone’s life today. You’ve got God and God’s got this!
Follower by Faith
Hey, I'm Nicole, the Creator behind Follower by Faith! Just a hard-working, animal loving mom/wife who's been through many trials and wants to turn my mess into a message to bring glory to God through helping others. Welcome!