Do you do this on Easter? Should Christians Celebrate Easter?

Do you do this on Easter? Who do you glorify with your celebration?
Bonus Posts coming for the season of the Resurrection! Otherwise, regular posting is currently every other Wednesday morning. Enjoy!
Turn to God for Wisdom
I feel there’s a constant conflict between some Christians and others about celebrating Easter. I am going to express my personal opinion on it and ask that God reveals to you and puts on your heart what He would like you to do. Before turning to people, turn to God for wisdom.
If the Holy Spirit is convicting you regarding this or anything else, it doesn’t matter what anyone else says we honor Him above all. The Holy Spirit can convict people at different times with different things. Remember to let the Holy Spirit work on you and show people what He’s done for you and share, but don’t force your journey on others because you don’t know what part of their journey the Holy Spirit has them on.
Should Christians Celebrate Easter?
I feel if you are celebrating Easter you should make sure that in every way you celebrate it that it glorifies God. Easter shouldn’t be made out to be about the Easter bunny, even to kids. We should have an understanding from a young age what it truly means and that they know God loves us so much that He gave His only son to die for us to have life.
I’ve put together a few small ways you can still celebrate Easter, especially with kids, to keep the true meaning. To find some supplies you can visit here or click the Dayspring image below:
They have some super cool Easter Puzzles for kids. If you haven’t yet gifted your kid with a Bible or Christian book, this is the perfect time of year to surprise them with one. This will give them a fun way to learn and a great motivation for you to read these to your kid at night. Switch out your regular books with books that put Jesus in your family’s heart. Oh, and there’s a ton of beautiful stuff for you too! I look forward to trying to fill my house with their decor one item at a time. The aesthetic is just beautiful.
Coloring Easter Eggs

Coloring Easter eggs was always a fun pastime with our family growing up. I recommend if you want to color eggs with your kids, make it Godly. Get some stickers that represent God. Even if it is just crosses added to the egg. Or, if you want to get a marker and draw your own Christian art, just find fun ways to incorporate God into it.
Easter Egg Hunt

I think an awesome way to incorporate God into the Easter Egg hunt is to use plastic eggs. Using plastic eggs gives you the opportunity to print and place some scripture within the eggs! Make it fun for everyone to learn about God. Find some easy-to-understand translations about Jesus. Even if it is just placing Jesus loves you within the egg. I think we need to do a better job sometimes letting our future generation know that they are always loved by Jesus.
Decorate a Cross

Instead of decorating a tree for Easter, decorate a cross. Find a cross to decorate and adorn. See the common pattern? Make Jesus the basis of everything you do. There are always opportunities to incorporate our faith in everything we do. Don’t follow the world. Follow our wonderful Creator.
Even if there are ‘worldly’ traditions you like, you can always tweak them and make it fun for everyone to learn about God. Who says learning about God can’t be fun? I feel sometimes kids are put off by learning about God because of the way it’s presented to them.
Plant the Seed

Plant that seed within your child and when he is old he will not depart from it. One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to plant the seed and word of God within them.
Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
You Cannot Serve Two Masters
I know if my mother had not have done it with me, I would not be here today. No matter how far I have ever strayed, I have always found my way back to God because of what was instilled in me. Even when I didn’t want to listen my mom would read me certain verses. It’s amazing how in just the right times the Holy Spirit would bring those to the forefront of my mind. Make sure your family knows that they serve a living God! And that they should always give Glory to God no matter what the world is doing. You cannot serve two masters lest you be unstable in everything you do.
A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.
James 1:8
I hope this post has given you some Godly and Christian ways to celebrate Easter with God as the main purpose and reason. Remembering He sent His only Son to die for you. I would love to hear some of the ways you and your family celebrate Easter. Please let me know in the comments some of your family traditions and how you plan on incorporating Jesus into your celebration this year.
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Follower by Faith
Hey, I'm Nicole, the Creator behind Follower by Faith! Just a hard-working, animal loving mom/wife who's been through many trials and wants to turn my mess into a message to bring glory to God through helping others. Welcome!