“Travis Scott’s Astroworld was Demonic”

**WARNING: Details in this article may be disturbing or traumatizing to some readers. Please read at your own discretion.**
Travis Scott’s Astroworld was Demonic
“Travis Scott’s Astroworld was demonic”. This is something you hear repeatedly from those who survived this tragic event. In the videos, you hear pleas from the crowd screaming help as many collapsed lifeless around them. In one part of the video, Travis acknowledges he can see those in the back while you see many paramedics performing CPR trying to save and revive those that’s turned black and blue from lack of oxygen. But yet, he kept performing.
Lack of Empathy
He continued performing while people, human beings, lay there dying being trampled. Even those right beside those being given CPR can be seen continuing to dance and worship Travis like a God. They showed no sympathy or empathy for those dying before their eyes. There are still those who are disappointed the festival has been canceled. 8 people are dead with hundreds injured. The youngest fatality reported is 14 years old.
Kill, Steal, and Destroy
This speaks volumes as to what’s wrong with our society. Travis Scott has displayed demonic behavior again and again. And yet people still worship him like a God. Then, they wonder why complete chaos ensues at his events. People were so desperate to get even close to him at the stage they didn’t care if they stepped on a human body to do so. The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy. So it is no shock when people are killed, their joy is stolen, and lives are destroyed at events like this. My heart goes out to the victims and their families.
“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”
John 10:10
“I felt an evil presence there.”
I urge parents not to allow their kids to attend these demonic concerts. I’ve been to concerts like this before I got saved. You can feel the evil presence there whether you are a believer or not. Most of the people who attended admit they are not religious, but they each felt a demonic and evil presence. If those who do not know God felt the evil there, can you imagine what a believer would’ve felt or seen amongst the crowd?
“I couldn’t breathe.”
This is not my usual post at all, but people need to know allowing their kids to go to Hollywood events may be the last thing their kid ever does. These events are dangerous. People panic and create a stampede. Trampling over top of human beings and if you stop to try to help someone, they’ll trample you too. Imagine a cinder block being on your chest and trying to breathe. This is what it was like for those, holding their heads up gasping for something as basic as air while hoping they don’t die.
Meanwhile, despite the yells and pleas for HELP, Travis Scott continued. I pray there are consequences for his actions. He could have attempted to calm the crowd instead of continuing to hype them up. One man said he felt that something bad was going to happen as there had already been violence at the beginning of the festival.
Holy Spirit
He warned others not to get in the middle of the crowd. He was right. What this man may not realize is that was the Holy Spirit speaking to Him. We expect a loud audible voice, but it can be a simple notion as this. Or, a repeated thought, or feeling you can’t escape. Because he yielded to this, he not only is still alive but helped to attempt to save others.
Principalities of Darkness
The Bible is clear that we do not fight or war against flesh and blood, but the principalities of darkness. Travis Scott’s videos bluntly mock God. I won’t even name the one in specific because watching those videos do nothing but support him. It features what’s supposed to be god looking down from the clouds with women half-naked dancing on the clouds. And Kylie Jenner holding a lamb in what appears to be mocking a nativity scene.
“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 6:12
Hell is not a party.
This is what your money, views, listening and downloading of his music supports. Some go as far as to say they felt this was a demonic ritual sacrifice. Who knows, but I know someone who mocks God so openly has no value for human life or their soul. He doesn’t care if he goes to hell. They think hell is a continuation of a party. Artists brag about hell saying things like I can’t wait to dance and party in hell. I can promise you hell is no party and nothing to joke about.
“It was like we were in hell.”
A lot of the concert attendees also described the festival as “it was like we were in hell”. They were petrified. They couldn’t breathe, dead bodies piling up around them, people bleeding from their mouths and nose, unable to escape. This type of music is demonic. They don’t even care anymore to hide it and people still worship these people as their God while they sit back and laugh. They make millions off of those who support them and what does it cost you? Your soul, your life, and for what? A concert.
Peace and Comfort through Jesus
I pray the victims’ families find peace and comfort through Jesus during this time. That those who were there that this opens their eyes. There is still one victim as of the time of writing this article that has not yet been identified. For those who did stop and try to give others CPR, you helped save someone’s son, daughter, brother, sister, or father.
Sin costs you everything.
If you, or someone you know, can assist in the identification of the John/Jane Does, please call the hotline that is set up to report missing people at this event noted below. Please let this make you think long and hard about supporting Hollywood, and especially allowing your children to. They may not know better, but you do. One of the most important things you can do is instill Jesus into their lives. Remove the stigma that you can only have fun if you are living in sin. Sin can cost you everything.
Astroworld Death Toll Now at Ten Victims
A couple of weeks has gone by and more attendees that were in critical condition have now passed away. One being a 9-year-old boy who news reports now state was placed into an induced coma following the Astroworld festival in Houston, Texas. Ezra Blount was the youngest attendee of the now 10 victims that have died. All victims were between ages 9 and 27 making this even more of a heartbreaking tragedy.
Attendee Suffered Multiple Heart Attacks
I’m sure these young souls never anticipated going out for what seemed like a night of fun to leave in a body bag. Another victim, Bharti Shahani has passed away as well after being in the hospital for nearly a week after the event. She was 22 years old. She had been on a ventilator for 6 days. According to popular media outlets, her family said she had suffered multiple heart attacks during the incident.
Astroworld Lawsuits Are Growing
I have dedicated a list below to all the victims who lost their lives to this tragedy. We now know many victims are filing, and have filed, lawsuits. A Texas attorney filed a $2 billion lawsuit on behalf of 282 victims. The lawsuit seeks damages from Travis Scott, Drake, event organizers Live Nation, Apple Music, NRG Stadium, and more. A recent report states 140 lawsuits have been filed thus far and we could see this number grow.
Prioritize Safety
Although the money will never be able to replace what has been taken from these families, I pray it brings awareness to event organizers and performers around the world. Safety should always be a priority and not that of financial gain.
Is content being “Shadow Banned”?
Many are bashing TikTok videos, Youtube videos, and those like me who have shared their opinion on how they feel this concert was demonic. Many of these platforms have released statements banning this content and referring to it as misinformation and conspiracy theories. I feel everyone is entitled to share their opinion, especially those who attended. They more than anyone should not be silenced.
Content has been taken down
If you have noticed less and less on social media referring to how this event was demonic, this is why. Many of the videos I sourced my content from have been banned and deleted, but you can still find some sources and pictures from the event showing how demonic it was. The very stage he performed on was an inverted cross with pyrotechnic flames blazing giving the appearance of a ‘hell portal’.
“Demonic Conspiracy Theories”
Even with this, top-ranking news articles are now referring to reports of the concert being demonic as a bizarre and outlandish conspiracy theory. What is always puzzling to me, and others I’m sure, is if what people are saying is so outlandish, then why feel the need to ban these videos and accounts? Why not let them express their experience? After all, these people telling their stories are the very people who were there having to step over dead bodies in an attempt to survive.
Continue Sharing
What is wrong with them sharing their first-hand experience? We live in a world where everything we buy, eat, or order is based on the reviews from people who have been there or tried it. These people are wanting to share their stories to warn others in an attempt to protect them from enduring the same trauma they themselves have experienced. We should be able to share our viewpoints without being silenced.
Your Voice Matters
My heart and prayers are with all those affected. From those who lost their lives, and those who still live on with the painful memories and trauma of that fateful night. I pray for healing and comfort for everyone affected. I encourage you all to keep sharing your stories. Your voice matters and deserves to be heard.
In Loving Memory of the 10 souls lost at Astroworld list in order by age:
Ezra Blount – Age 9
John Hilgert – Age 14
Brianna Rodriguez – Age 16
Jake Jurinek – Age 20
Franco Patino – Age 21
Axel Acosta – Age 21
Bharti Shahani- Age 22
Rudy Pena – Age 23
Madison Dubiski- Age 23
Danish Baig – Age 27
*Please note new details are still emerging as this tragic event is investigated and could change. This is merely my personal view on what took place based on news articles, first-hand accounts, and eyewitness reports. This is written with the information available at this time in hopes to open the eyes of those who are lost. These events are overcrowded, drug and alcohol-fueled, and lack the resources to properly handle when things go wrong.
The Houston Office of Emergency Management posted phone numbers for those who haven’t heard from a loved one who was at the festival. Those numbers are 832-393-2991 or 832-393-2990.
Feel free to submit a prayer request if you would like to have us praying for you and your loved ones!
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We often are more inclined to spend $5 on coffee that’s gone in moments than to help grow God’s ministries. Do your part by helping your community. If you are unable to assist financially many are always in need of volunteers. There are so many ways to give and I think you’ll be amazed at how fulfilled you will be. You are going to reach and help more sinners outside the church than you ever will inside the church. We are all called to witness and spread the gospel. Don’t grow complacent in your church pew. Get out there and save someone’s life today. You’ve got God and God’s got this!
Follower by Faith
Hey, I'm Nicole, the Creator behind Follower by Faith! Just a hard-working, animal loving mom/wife who's been through many trials and wants to turn my mess into a message to bring glory to God through helping others. Welcome!
literally no one worships him people just think he is a good musical artist and in no way is he satanic he has referenced god multiple times before in good ways so you’re just yapping
Great article! And I completely agree with everything you said. This has been a great awakening. Thank you so much, and God Bless You!!!
Thank you! I appreciate your feedback. God bless you as well!