Walking in Faith

Walking in Faith
As mentioned in our post What is the True Meaning of Faith, the Oxford dictionary defines faith in one way as complete trust and confidence in someone or something. Walking in faith is complete trust and confidence in God and His will for your life. It’s trusting His plan for your life over your own. We cannot always see the why in the now. Our minds can become so focused on our circumstances and cluttered with emotions that they can overtake our complete trust in Jesus if we don’t strive to keep a Christ-Centered focus.
Walking in faith is having a calm in the storm. It is when your world may be swirling with chaos, but you have that internal peace knowing that no matter what you know God has got you. And, that no matter what you are facing, even if it’s from the enemy, God will turn around and use it for your good.
Unanswered Prayers
I, like so many others, can think of all those prayers we thought were unanswered prayers. Now, we see were actually answered, by not being answered. Sometimes what we think we need, isn’t what we truly need. That’s where we have to walk in faith and trust that God’s plan is better for our life. Trust that as long as we abide in Him, everything will work out the way it is supposed to.
So many years later, I look back at my teenage prayers and heartbreaks. I couldn’t see the why in the middle of the storm and the hurt. But now, a wiser me, and being more mature in my faith, looks back and more than sees the why. I see why when I prayed for one thing another happened instead; I see why when I wanted certain people in my life, God instead pruned them from my life.
We walk by Faith, Not by Sight
Sometimes in the moment, we can want something or someone so bad it blinds us. We can confuse our will with God’s will. We can become lost and hurt when things don’t go as WE planned, not realizing it wasn’t a part of God’s plan for our life. Any pain or heartache I have experienced through life God has used for good and His glory. Because of this, I trust and have faith in Him and what His word tells me.
He used these circumstances to shape me into the person He needed me to be. At the time, I couldn’t see that at all because my focus was on me and what I wanted. Now in retrospect with a Christ-centered focus, I see everything went according to God’s plan, and the things that weren’t a part of God’s plan, He turned it around for His glory.
We have to have faith in the things we cannot see at the time. 2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “For we walk by faith, not by sight“. We have to trust in God and have full faith not leaning on our own understanding. Faith is powerful. And we see this in Mark when Jesus says:
“And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
Faith the Size of a Mustard Seed=Power
This shows us the true power of faith. The more we abide in God read his word, stay in prayer, and surround ourselves with like-minded individuals that can help us when we have doubt, the easier it is to have faith. The enemy will always try to plant doubt and deceive us. That’s why it’s so important to keep that Christ-centered focus and not give a foothold to the enemy.
We know that the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy. So, whatever in your life that is killing your faith, stealing your peace, and destroying your life is not from God. This is a great way to discern things and people in your life. Hold everything to the word of God. Keep faith when God tries to prune you and those around you. Trust His will over your own, study His word, spend time in prayer with Him, and know that He is there to guide you and walk in faith through all circumstances.
Even the smallest amount of faith has power. Matthew 17:20 says, “So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”. Mustard seeds are extremely tiny! If you haven’t seen a mustard seed, check out this necklace, or this one. Not only are they a beautiful reminder to have around your neck, but it shows you how little faith you need to make your prayers so impactful and powerful. I’m waiting on mine to arrive now!
Walking in Faith Requires Us to Obey God
It’s a beautiful thing to be able to rejoice no matter what you are facing. It takes faith, true faith, to do that. The closer you are to God the easier it is to walk in faith. Pray for God to guide you, blessing you with the wisdom and courage you need to ensure your faith and trust are in Him. Walking in faith is obeying God and His word even when you may not fully understand it.
The enemy is darkness and God is light. With the enemy there is bad fear, with God there is ultimate peace and reverent fear. For every negative, the enemy has, God has a powerful positive. Don’t let fear overcome your faith.
I love this post about walking in Faith. She recaps the ways in which Abraham walked in faith despite not being able to see what was ahead, and how he held onto the promises of God. It’s such a beautiful thing how we can learn from the characters in the Bible in how they lived and got through their weak moments with God.
Hold onto God’s promises, seek Him in all of your ways, and he will make your crooked paths straight.
She explains it beautifully in this post. I highly recommend a quick read. 🙂
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Follower by Faith
Hey, I'm Nicole, the Creator behind Follower by Faith! Just a hard-working, animal loving mom/wife who's been through many trials and wants to turn my mess into a message to bring glory to God through helping others. Welcome!