Daily Prayer for Healing

Daily Prayer for Healing
Dear Lord,
Thank you for your grace and goodness in my life. You know my heart and you know my struggles. I ask for healing in the name of Jesus. You are a miracle worker, with you all things are possible. And, I need a miracle in my life. I have faith that healing is on the way. I am placing my full trust in you!
I declare healing over my mind, body, spirit, finances, and loved ones. Only you can provide the kind of healing I need. No matter what I am going through, I will continue to praise you through it. Lord, guide me to receive your healing in my life.
Until your healing comes, I will continue to praise and worship you; for You are good always. You take what the enemy meant for evil and use it for good. Any of the bad, or negative in my life, any sickness or pain, I know you will turn it around for your glory. Lend me strength until your healing comes.
Most importantly, may Your will be done. Help me accept and put Your will above my own. You know things that I do not, you see what I do not. Because of this, I surrender my will to you so you can direct my steps. Your word says the righteous call out, and you hear us. Help me to accept your timing for my healing. In your word, I see where some were healed instantly, and others’ healing came over time with prayer and dedication.
My faith is in you fully. I trust you will do what is best for my life. Lord, whether my healing is now or later, I thank you for healing and delivering me from my suffering.
In your name I pray,
If you declare healing over your life today type Amen! in the comments so we can join in praying for you!
For your journey with healing, I highly recommend this shirt by far my favorite shirt as it constantly reminds me God is a miracle worker and it’s sooo comfy!
Prayers That Bring Healing: Overcome Sickness, Pain, and Disease. God’s Healing is for You! (Prayers for Spiritual Battle)
Woman, Thou Art Healed and Whole: A 90 Day Devotional Journey
100 Days of Healing: Daily Devotional
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Hey, I'm Nicole, the Creator behind Follower by Faith! Just a hard-working, animal loving mom/wife who's been through many trials and wants to turn my mess into a message to bring glory to God through helping others. Welcome!
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