Daily Prayer for Depression

Daily Prayer for Depression
Dear Lord,
Thank you for always being a present source of comfort in my times of need. The enemy wants me to feel alone and isolated. I have been going through a season of trials, doubt, and depression. At times I feel lost and unsure which way to turn. In these times, I need your truth, guidance, comfort, and peace within my soul.
You never said we wouldn’t have hurts and trials, but you did promise to be there in the valley with us. Sometimes I need the reminder that it’s okay to not be okay. There will always be seasons of depression and sadness throughout life here on Earth. But, at the end of it all, you are always there to give me the strength to persevere and get through the tough times.
I ask that you surround me with warriors in Christ during this time to help me get me through. We wouldn’t know good without experiencing bad, happiness without experiencing sadness, or what it feels to be whole without first feeling empty. Lord, help me to embrace these times in the valley as they help me to appreciate the good times and your goodness.
In these times of trials, it forces me to rely on You even more. When I have prayed for a closer relationship with you, sometimes I know that can only come through trials and testing. I am thankful for every valley I go through, and have gone through, as you are faithful through it all. You have shaped me and continue shaping me into the warrior you need.
Bless me with comfort in this valley. Lend me your peace to tap into when it all feels too much to bear. I know I can only overcome this through You. Thank you for your faithfulness. I know this shadow over me will only last for so long. You are the light at the end of the tunnel, and I can look forward knowing You have never left me.
You have never failed nor abandoned me. Lord, you are true to the end, and I have faith that this depression is a season that will come and go. Whatever the enemy meant for evil you will use it for good. I look forward to seeing your goodness come out of this. And, I thank you for the trials; for they have given me strength. Through this, my faith will grow and I will come out of this stronger than ever.
Thank you, Jesus.
In your holy name I pray,
Sometimes all we need is a change of perspective with some daily motivation and encouragement. Here’s some resources on Amazon to help on your path and remind you that God is always a present source of comfort in our times of need.
Live on Purpose: 100 Devotions for Letting Go of Fear and Following God
Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table: It’s Time to Win the Battle of Your Mind
365 Days of Prayer for Depression & Anxiety– Guided Daily Prayers for Anyone in Need of Hope and Comfort
Straight Talk on Depression: Overcoming Emotional Battles with the Power of God’s Word!
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Follower by Faith
Hey, I'm Nicole, the Creator behind Follower by Faith! Just a hard-working, animal loving mom/wife who's been through many trials and wants to turn my mess into a message to bring glory to God through helping others. Welcome!