Daily Prayer for God’s Will

Daily Prayer for God’s Will
Dear Lord,
Thank you for always protecting me through life and for your never failing mercy and grace for my many mistakes. I pray today for your will in my life. Guide me in making decisions and help me to discern if they are within your will or not. Help me be nurtured through your Word and truly take in and apply the Bible to my life.
May your will be done in all areas of my life. Help me to accept your will over my own. And be a comfort to me when things are hard. I know to become the warrior in Christ I need to be that I will have to be shaped through trials and tribulations. Be my strength in those moments as I seek your will.
Be the fire within my heart and show me the path which to take. Remind me in times of temptation that I always have a choice and that you are faithful and will never allow me to be tempted beyond what I can bear. To pursue your will, I know I must resist temptation and the enemy and that if I resist the enemy he must flee in Your name.
Speak to me through the Holy Spirit guiding me on which way to go. I pray to put Your will first. Luke 9:23 says, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Help me to deny myself daily and take up my cross to follow you. Humble me and shape me the way You need me.
Lord, I seek your will today and forever for only You are the way to life, and only through you may I be fulfilled. Help me to be a light to others by the way I live my life and always choosing to pursue Your will. Be my strength in times of weakness. Refine and purify me leaving behind only what you desire. Align my desire with your desire, my will with your will, and forever may I live to serve you.
In your name I pray,
I pray you enjoyed this post. Check out some awesome resources to expand your faith below.
God’s Purpose for Your Life: 365 Devotions
The Power of God’s Will: 40 Days of God’s Promises Devotional
God will: a 30-day Devotional of God’s Promises for Overcoming Trials
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Thank you Nichole for this beautiful prayer. Margot